Tuesday, May 20, 2008

So at work today, Whitney said something really funny that made Jamie really laugh. While standing at the desk together, Whitney looked over to the kids and said, out of no where I might add, "Faith had pants on...did she not?" Whitney had noticed that Faith Jolley had taken her pants off and was walking around in her diaper. She brings her over to me, with the pants, and then says, "Here's my questions, how did her shoes stay on?" It was pretty freakin hilarious....maybe you had to be there...


Mandy Curtis said...

WaHoo! You girls are so cute! Yes Megan - Thanks for converting them! Did you mean Kate Joley in this one? Can't wait for more fun posts! Good Luck on the quick recovery Jaime!

Meg said...

LOL. I do think that it was kate cuz Faith is older...we knew what you meant! Good work on the posts.